Finding “Rest” and a “Throne Attitude”
As mere humans if someone asked you to define “rest” our first thoughts would probably be, “not doing anything, relaxing”. Merriam-Webster’s definition of “rest” is “a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities: freedom from activity or...Trusting God, One Day at a Time – God’s Pattern for Our Lives
Back in the early 90’s I had a lot going on. I was working 60 hours a week at my full-time job and anywhere from 30-40 hours a week at a part-time job. I had student loans to pay off, I had credit card debt to pay off, I had the typical monthly bills you can never...Fasting with the Lord’s Prayer: Experience a Deeper and More Powerful Relationship with God
I strongly encourage everyone to get this book. It is THE best book I have ever read on The Lord’s Prayer and Fasting. It delivers a deep understanding of how God has planned us to use The Lord’s Prayer along with fasting and what blessings we receive when we do this…
There is GREAT power in the words we speak. Most people do not realize how powerful the words are we speak from our mouth. They can bring a happy smile to a sad and lonely face or they can bring fear and hurt to someone…