I’ve had so many people request a copy of this lately, so I thought I would just post it here for everyone’s convenience.  I pray it’s a blessing to everyone!

Calling Forth Heaven to Earth

Abba, in Ezekiel 47 it talks about rivers and banks.  The definition of a “bank” is lips.  The banks are our lips and the rivers are our words flowing out of our mouth.  Ezekiel 47:9 implies double rivers, so I decree and declare this day that what comes forth out of our mouths, as long as it’s in alignment with Your word, brings down a double portion, a double blessing from heaven into earth!
Abba, in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare Psalm 116 that right now You have heard our crises for mercy and things have turned around!  I speak forth the opening of heavenly gates and ancient doors that brings us into a deeper, richer relationship with You! (Psalm 24:7)  I decree and declare this is a time of renewing our strength and soaring into Your presence (Isaiah 40:31)   The times of spiritual hopelessness and disappointments have come to an end!  This is OUR Day of suddenlies and supernatural breakthroughs!  (Proverbs 13:12)  Abba, we are ministers of reconciliation who offset injustices and bring healing to people everywhere we go!  (2 Cor 5:18)  We agree now with the new things that will bring spiritual refreshing to those who have been in the wilderness. (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Abba, I decree and declare this is a new day as You shine light on us and through us (Isaiah 60:1).  We have enlarged the place of our tent, we have stretched wide the curtains of our tent, we have lengthened our cords and strengthened our stakes awaiting all You have for us (Isaiah 54:2).  Thank You Father, for we have learned to love one another as You love us (Matthew 22:37-40), we have become wise through Your wisdom so we can help those who need the love of God (Luke 1:17), and we have also learned the ability to forgive and not judge others (Luke 1:17).
Father, I decree and declare right now we have stepped into place to be a greater authority, seeking Your will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven.  For when we pray, since we are seeking Your will, what we ask for in our prayers will be answered! (John 15:7)  We stand here, right now in agreement with Your promises to pour out Your Spirit on our descendants and we will see them grow fast and strong in You! (Isaiah 44:3-5)  Thank You Father for all the open doors of opportunities You have given for us to see who needs that deeper touch, and for using us to bring healing to people who have been wounded and rejected. (Luke 14:21b) 
Jesus, I decree and declare today I am calling forth a new sound from Heaven to be released here on the Earth right now! (Revelation 14:2)  The new sound we are hearing is the demolition of every mountain of poverty, sickness, disease, generational curses, ALL mountains in our way of our rightful spiritual blessings are crumbling at the mention of Your name.  We are living our lives right now above all the negativity around us and we are constantly looking for doors of opportunity to tell others about You and win souls to Your kingdom.  We will not be defeated for we are overcomers in Christ Jesus!
I decree and declare this day that we have victory over our past and when the enemy comes to eat up our flesh, he shall stubble and fall!   Abba, we walk in the love of Christ and bless those who curse us.  We thank You for the full armor of God we put on each day before we walk into battle.   Thank You Father, that we are anointed and chosen by You and our family, finances, relationships, friendships, properties, and assets are all protected in Jesus’ name. 
I decree and declare this day that we are slow to speak and quick to hear, we will not be held back from reaching our full potential for Your kingdom and that every illegal barrier, hindrance, restriction and/or limitation is broken in Jesus’ name!  Abba, today our declarations are building roads in the spirit for heavens atmosphere to invade earth with solutions and miracles manifesting into existence.  As I decree and declare heavens mandates demonic strongholds are dismantling and the future of cities, states, and regions is being re-written!  It has been asked of heaven, “can these dry bones live?” and we are declaring “YES”!  Right now we decree and declare life over all circumstances needing heavens solutions. 
Father, my voice, when it calls down heaven to earth, activates, awakens, and decrees victory over all evil in this world!  It’s time to SHOUT out hope and breakthroughs into this earth!  I decree and declare this day we are leaning in to listen for what’s on Your heart and then we will boldly declare what is in Your heart, overriding every lying tongue speaking out over regions and nations. 
Abba, the people in our church are charging our weapons and collectively dismantling strongholds that are preventing revival and transformation in this area!  The time of fighting each other is OVER for we are now united as one and are fighting the true enemy!   I speak forth momentum and hope rising up for an unprecedented harvest and revival in our nations and throughout the world.  The time is now and are seeing the tide turn, darkness is trembling at our arising and we are declaring “nothing is impossible, and our words bring forth tomorrow into today!
Father, I decree and declare the harvest has already begun and an avalanche of new souls are encountering You!  We have rewritten history as we decree, declare, pray, take up our weapons and participate in this unprecedented harvest, for it has begun!   This is not the time to be silent for we are shouting forth and releasing heavens heart through every expression of prophetic unction and praise.  Thank You Father, that we are seeing great explosions of creativity, favor and influence in prophetic expression.  We are seeing a major shift in the mindsets of the people in this world as we wield our swords with such precision, compassion and authority as we declare and call forthon earth as it is in heaven”!
Abba, I decree and declare the stones are shouting out from unexpected places with anointed voices cutting through the darkness.  We are taking the lead and defining a new generation and transforming the landscape!   Thank You Father for Your wisdom!  Current problems have current solutions, so we are lingering in the secret place for today’s manna!  For only in the secret place do we have access to Your heart and the blueprints for transformation!  Right now You are handing out the current strategies, a fresh anointing and new assignments!   Father, we hunger for You and hunger is the key that releases intimacy in Your presence. 
Father, the enemy is talking to starving ears and they are listening.  I decree and declare we are releasing heavens heart into the world.  The power of agreement is resonating in this body to establish a new normal in every sphere of influence and hope is rising to halt terrors advances and we are awakening our communities!  We are calling forth the establishment of a new realm of faith for a generational reformation that resets hearts, families, and nations.  Billions of souls are awaiting this generation arising now that will take ownership of Your truth!  I decree and declare we are called and invited to establish a new normal that will disrupt the plans of the enemy and release transformational hope and silence fear!  We are an army of “sharp swords” opening our mouths and declaring “enough is enough” as victories become our normal and battle-weary champions are refreshed and revived! 
Abba, I decree and declare a re-calibration has come on your people where we can love the world and fight darkness with the same breath.  Love is the weapon of this warrior spirit which has been released.  Father, You have renewed our strength to battle and we are rising to even greater authority.  Your bride is known as the strong warrior carrying fierce love and power.  Battle roars are increasingly thundering in our gatherings, releasing the great Breaker!  Your bride has arose as the Overcomer in this new season!
I decree and declare this day that an army of prayer warriors has arisen!  This army of prophetic intercessors will increasingly shift nations onto a new course and break enemy assignments against nations, families, and the great revival harvest!  When we gather for prayer it has new fresh oil and life and it is always spontaneously breaking out!  As we shout about Your goodness out loud, more troops are gathering and shouting louder causing the walls of impossibility to fall as a wave of transformation and salvation go through our cities like a tidal wave.  Our decrees are shifting the atmosphere!   Father, we thank You that You have moved quickly to reverse the works of the enemy by rewarding, restoring, rescuing and reviving us!  We have prepared for a fast recovery!  The victories of this season are more than the hits we’ve seen in the past!  Our future has nothing to do with our past, so we are leaning into Your presence and raising our expectations!  We have opened our hearts to new possibilities! 
Father, I decree and declare You are not just restoring hearts and families, You are restoring the mantle of family joy!  It’s a true renaissance of covenant relationships!  The strength of standing together and the need of each other is unfolding in this season for a new hunger of home, life giving family connection, healing of the hearts and belonging has been stirred in us!  We are making room in our family for it is growing as the unconnected come home!  A great release of healing to many family units and a wave of prodigals has come home!   Abba, we are on guard, keeping our hearts before You, forgiving quickly and allowing Holy Spirit honest access to our hearts.  We refuse to allow small things to become big things.  We thank You for strengthening us, for the enemy is on the prowl looking to destroy families and we will be quick to safeguard our heart condition!   
Today, I decree and declare overwhelming kindness of God is about to hunt us down and break out in our midst.  God has remembered our journey and our promises.  Our own harvest of promises is upon us.  God is speaking to the deep places of our hearts and restoring joy.  God is winning a harvest of those considered to be too far gone!
Today, I decree and declare the doors that were closed are now openBoldness is the key allowing us to step in.  There is a NEW realm of favor coming on the entrepreneur and pioneer.  We are expecting suddenlies for revival is in the air!  Your presence will manifest as the Breaker and change everything in a moment!  There is an explosion of outbreaks of glory revival and harvesters being released.  Rapid change is upon us and the changes are for upgrade and not demise.  The winds of change are directing transformations and repositioning us.  Some repositioning might be a location change, but some is a heart re-positioning!  After the winds have finished blowing through much will look different, but it will be a glorious change!
I decree and declare there is a changing of the guard taking place!  It’s not based on age or human wisdom but is for best stewardship of what is to come!  There are many promotions and reassignments in the spirit taking place so we will be cautious not to judge quickly as things change and these new assignments are given, for if we do judge, we will be judging unfinished stories!  Exceptional stories of redemption and miraculous breakthroughs are arising right now!  A great shaking is happening in the world and we have positioned ourselves for the greatest of harvests we’ve ever seen!   Father, You have raised up a new normal of celebration of what You are doing in this earth.  New faith precedents have been established so we are decreeing all things are possible, we are decreeing protection of the harvest and protection of the harvesters!   We are this day, at this time, right now decreeing and declaring victory for an unprecedented awakening and harvest in this world like has never been seen before!
Father, today, I decree and declare You have reversed the works of the enemy and restored and completed half manifested promises.  We lift up a SHOUT as the walls and strongholds are coming down!  We are in agreement with heaven that our time is NOW!   We have charged up our weapons, which are: our voices, our prayers, our decrees, our worship, our prophetic declarations and we are ready to fight for we are part of the next great awakening!  The harvest is unfolding now!  In Jesus name I pray!  Amen!

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Cheryl Ann Richardson
Calling Forth Heaven to Earth
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